Together we succeeded: Cascades to Rockies Capital Campaign update

Join our Cascades to Rockies Capital Campaign to preserve a critical piece of wildlands

To protect critical wildlands and connect two great mountain ranges, we’re raising $4.75 million to purchase protection for 9,243 acres in Okanogan County By Mitch Friedman, Executive Director I’m excited to introduce you to our new Cascades to Rockies Capital Campaign, one of the most innovative and impactful efforts Conservation Northwest has ever undertaken. Through … Continued

Connecting the Cascades to the Rocky Mountains with a wildlife corridor

Connecting the North Cascades and the Rocky Mountains through habitat corridors, wildlife crossings, forest restoration and wilderness protection. By Chase Gunnell, Communications Directors “As the climate changes, big landscape-level connections are essential. For nearly 20 years, we’ve been trying to bridge together the Cascades to the Rockies, to protect the habitat corridor,” – Mitch Friedman, … Continued

Conservation Northwest’s online auction ends today at 6:00 p.m.

Don’t miss this chance to bid on unique Northwest experiences, outdoor adventures and items you’ll find nowhere else! By Matthew Brouwer, Director of Development Our Online Silent Auction closes tonight at 6:00 p.m. Visit to start bidding! Take a first, second or third look at more than 60 unique auction packages including some new additions:  Our Sinclair Island Get-Away has been doubled. … Continued

Can drinking beer really save mule deer?

We invite you to drink beer with us and learn about some BIG projects we’re working on this summer! By Maureen McGregor, Membership Associate Invite your friends and bring the family – there will be games and raffle prizes for all! Pizza and light snacks will be provided. $10 suggested donation + all Lagunitas beer sale proceeds will benefit Conservation … Continued