Together we succeeded: Cascades to Rockies Capital Campaign update
Conservation Northwest / Sep 30, 2021 / Cascades to Rockies, Connecting Habitat, Justice Equity Diversity Inclusion
We’ve reached our fundraising goal for the Cascades to Rockies Capital Campaign!

By Mitch Friedman, Executive Director
I am thrilled to share that with your donations we’ve reached our fundraising goal for the Cascades to Rockies Capital Campaign! We’ve wired the funds into escrow and will close on the property by the end of this week.
With our goal met, we ask that you not direct more funds towards this campaign. We still welcome your support to meet our separate annual budget for our innovative conservation programs that protect, connect and restore the wildlands and wildlife of the Pacific Northwest.
Now we can celebrate!

By helping us secure wildlife habitat in north-central Washington’s Okanogan Valley, including this critical 9,243 acre piece (background available here), you’ve played a big part in sustaining the health of the east-west Cascades to Rockies corridor, as well as the intersecting north-south shrub-steppe corridor connecting the arid Columbia Basin with interior British Columbia.
Protecting these two wildlands corridors with large, interconnected blocks of wildlife habitat will benefit an array of species from lynx and wolverines to sharp-tailed grouse, mule deer and burrowing owls.
You’ve also helped us right a historic wrong by returning this vital land to its historical stewards, the Colville Confederate Tribes, who will protect in perpetuity the conservation values of the property, while also allowing responsible and respectful public access.
I hope you share our sense of indebtedness for the generosity of our community and our feeling of hope knowing that even during these trying times, we are all willing to step up to meet important challenges and opportunities.
Stay tuned for more information, including a news release with the Colville Tribes, as this major land conservation and environmental justice effort successfully closes.
We appreciate each of the approximately 100 gifts that helped us attain this milestone, including the following:
$250,000-$1,000,000 level
- The Nature Conservancy
- Anonymous (2)
- Daryl and Michele Connell
- David and Linda Cornfield
- Ellen Ferguson
- Icicle Fund
- Mycorrhizal Fund
$100,000 – $249,999
- Anonymous
- Peter Goldman and Martha Kongsgaard
- McDanel Land Foundation
- Kyle and Michele Peltonen
$5,000 – $99,999
- Anonymous (2)
- Brian Arbogast and Valerie Tarico
- Matthew Bannick
- Victoria Bennett
- Eric and Luann Berman
- Jabe Blumenthal and Julie Edsforth
- Bill Booth
- Jonathon Cooper and Diane Doles
- Joan Crooks and Don Davies
- Bill Donnelly
- Michael Dryfoos and Ilga Jansons
- Larry Engel and Kate Battuello
- Brian Hall and Edie Sonne Hall
- Steve Hansen
- Andy and Freeman Held
- Thomas Hinckley
- Charles and Marie Hoffman
- Greg James
- George and Mary Ann Joy
- Joseph Joy and Chandana Surlu
- Rik and Janis Littlefield
- Bert Loosmore
- Alex Loeb and Ethan McGinnis
- Larry O’Neil
Mitch Friedman, our Executive Director and founder.
- Quick Response Fund for Nature
- Gary Rygmyr and Jennifer Warburton
- Richard and Kristin Saada
- Robert Short and Emer Dooley
- Larry Small
- Steve and Liann Sundquist
- Laura Tiberti
- Matt Uyttendaele and Elizabeth Johnson
Thanks again to each and every one of you!
With Gratitude,
Mitch Friedman
Executive Director