Cascades Wolverine Project update—it’s time to wolverine!
Conservation Northwest / Dec 08, 2020 / Restoring Wildlife, Wildlife Monitoring, Wolverine
The Cascades Wolverine Project is gearing up for another winter field season and they need your help!
By David Moskowitz, Stephanie Williams, and Drew Lovell, Cascades Wolverine Project
*Editor’s Note: Conservation Northwest is proud to be a partner and sponsor of the Cascades Wolverine Project, a grassroots effort to support wolverine research and recovery in Washington’s North Cascades through field science, visual storytelling, and building backcountry community science.
While the past year has been filled with many challenges and unexpected twists and turns, we at Cascades Wolverine Project are happy to report that we had one of our most successful years yet advancing our goals of learning more about wolverines in the Washington Cascades, engaging the outdoor recreation community in research and conservation science, and promoting the conservation of this enigmatic species and the mountain ecosystem upon which it depends. We hope you will once again join us with a financial contribution to the project.

This past year we more than tripled our community science effort and recorded wolverine observations from across the Washington Cascades. Our professional survey effort in the North Cascades documented wolverines as well as fishers and lynx. Our conservation storytelling and journalism effort led to images and stories published in the Seattle Times, Sierra Online, and coverage in national news media.
For a complete look at all that we accomplished last year check out our annual report.
We are anticipating another very full winter season and are gearing up to increase our community science effort again in the coming year. While COVID-19 is not going to impede our professional surveys, and may actually expand community science, it has impacted our fundraising efforts. With limited funds available from our primary corporate donor, this year we will be depending more than ever on the contributions of individuals to complete our work in the coming year.
This year our work will be more important than ever. The USFWS has once again declined to list wolverines under the Endangered Species Act. While this decision will almost certainly be challenged again in court, in the interim this means we need to continue our efforts to monitor this species and increase awareness of the severe challenges they will face in the years to come.
We welcome donations large and small. Last year donations ranged from $20 to $6000 from individual donors and each one mattered! Whatever amount works for you will be warmly welcome. We are working to raise $15,000 in individual donations this year!
Thanks again for your support for this grassroots effort to protect the mountains we all love so much and the wild creatures who depend on them.
We are a grassroots organization and, as such, have many ways to receive funds.
Donate directly to the project at GoFundMe
Through Your Phone
VENMO: Send to David-Moskowitz-9 at 425-891-4745 and note “CWP Donation” in the comments.
Please make checks out to: “Steph Williams” and put “CWP Donation” in the memo line.
Checks can be mailed to: Steph Williams, PO Box 266, Twisp, WA 98856
Tax deductible Donations
For tax deductible contributions, please donate to us through our fiscal sponsor, Conservation Northwest. For online contributions be sure to Select “Other” in the Designation Box and put “Cascades Wolverine Project” in the comments. For check mailed to Conservation Northwest please be sure to add this to the memo line of the check.
Finances: We are happy to provide a financial report to any previous or potential donors for review. We work with extremely low overhead and are very proud of what we accomplish on a very lean budget!
Mountains of Thanks!
Learn more about the CASCADES WOLVERINE PROJECT, and support their important work with a DONATION today! Or learn more about OUr wORK FOR WOLVERINES.