Elk find safe passage under I-90 thanks to wildlife crossings

Elk find safe passage under I-90 thanks to wildlife crossings

Note: This blog originally appeared on our I-90 Wildlife Watch project webpage. An effort to document wildlife movement around Snoqualmie Pass between North Bend and Easton, I-90 Wildlife Watch is led by CNW with support from Central Washington University, the Washington State Department of Transportation, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, the U.S. Fish … Continued

I-90 wildlife crossing animal GIFs!

Happy Friday Conservation Northwest members and supporters! Want to close out your work week with something special? Check out these awesome animal GIFs from the Washington State Department of Transportation’s remote cameras! The deer, coyote, geese and merganser ducks below are some of the first animals to use the two Gold Creek undercrossings in the I-90 Snoqualmie Pass … Continued