Acclaimed documentary The Trouble With Wolves streaming now

Acclaimed documentary The Trouble With Wolves streaming now

Conservation Northwest hosted a film screening of this documentary with Patagonia Seattle followed by a panel discussion during the summer of 2019. As an organization with a long history of promoting wolf coexistence, we strongly recommend this film. The biologists, wildlife watchers, hunters, ranchers and others (including many we work closely with!) featured in The … Continued

New paper on predator-friendly beef and coexistence with wolves

Carol Bogezi, a UW researcher and Conservation Northwest Board Member, published a study on the feasibility of predator-friendly beef to promote wolf recovery. By Keiko Betcher, Communications and Outreach Associate As wolves continue to recover in Washington state, we’re working to promote coexistence and societal acceptance between these carnivores and people. Our goal is to … Continued

Understanding the science on wolf-livestock conflict

New research highlights the importance of using multiple tactics, from range riders to targeted lethal removal, to reduce and resolve conflicts between wolves and livestock. Key takeaways from recent wolf-livestock research: The science does not support general public wolf hunting as a solution for reducing cattle depredations in areas where wolves and livestock overlap. Wolf-livestock … Continued

Of Wolves and People: The Science Behind Conservation Conflict Transformation

By Paula Swedeen, Ph.D., Policy Director Wolves are making an inspiring comeback in Washington, returning to our state on their own paws from populations in British Columbia, Idaho and Montana beginning around the mid-2000’s. In 2008, Conservation Northwest’s Citizen Wildlife Monitoring Project discovered the first wolf pups born in Washington in nearly a century—the Lookout … Continued