Objection to Colville National Forest’s San Poil project filed with Northeast Washington Forest Coalition

Objection to Colville National Forest’s San Poil project filed with Northeast Washington Forest Coalition

The San Poil project on the Colville National Forest falls short on its forest and aquatic restoration objectives and threatens to reduce wilderness quality lands. By Tiana Luke, Colville Forest Lead, Northeast Washington Forest Coalition Board Member The San Poil project on the Colville National Forest near Republic, Washington, aims to restore the forest and … Continued

Introducing the Colville Wild campaign

Working toward permanent protections for northeast Washington’s wildest roadless forests, particularly the crest of the Kettle Range You may have heard of the Columbia Highlands Initiative, which we’ve recently rebooted as our Colville Wild campaign. You can also find more information here. THANK YOU to everyone who has followed this effort, some background on our … Continued

Stories from the field

One rancher within the Smackout Pack’s territory in northeast Washington wants you to know that our efforts for wolf coexistence are making a difference. By Jay Shepherd, wolf program lead Recently, I got a call from a rancher and long-time partner we’ve worked with for decades to support wolf coexistence. They wanted to express their … Continued

Colville Forest Plan still needs improvement for wilderness, ecological forest management

In our continued push for wilderness protections in northeast Washington, we made several objections to the Forest’s final management plan. by Tiana Luke, Conservation Associate, Colville Forest Field Staff The 15-year process of updating the Colville National Forest Management Plan is coming to its culmination. We have been striving since 2004 to help forge a … Continued

Forest collaboration makes progress in northeast Washington

An update on the Northeast Washington Forestry Coalition from our Forest Field Program. BY TIANA LUKE, CONSERVATION ASSOCIATE and COLVILLE FOREST FIELD STAFF While divisiveness grows rampant in many parts of the world, there’s still a place in the northeastern corner of Washington state where those of different viewpoints work together to promote each other’s … Continued