Refuge Outdoor Festival, a powerful experience for People of Color and allies, goes virtual

Refuge Outdoor Festival, a powerful experience for People of Color and allies, goes virtual

The three-day virtual camp-in geared toward People of Color will be filled with workshops, DJs, performances, art and more. Tickets are on sale now! By Keiko Betcher, Communications and Outreach Associate We’ve been looking forward to Refuge Outdoor Festival all year—and it’s almost here! For the third year in a row, Conservation Northwest staff have … Continued

What’s love got to do with it?

Perspectives on how love can diversify and strengthen the conservation movement. bY kEIKO bETCHER, cOMMUNICATIONS AND oUTREACH aSSOCIATE There’s a lot to celebrate on this day of love—the beautiful region we’re lucky to live in, our charismatic native species, and of course, those we hold close to our hearts. But on this Valentine’s Day, I … Continued