Okanogan Mule Deer auction
Conservation Northwest / Jun 17, 2015 / Okanogan Working for Wildlife
We’re partnering with the Mule Deer Foundation on the Working for Wildlife Initiative, a collaborative effort to bring safe wildlife crossings to Highway 97 and maintain the Okanogan’s working lands and wildlife heritage.
By Jay Kehne, Okanogan Conservation Associate
On June 20th, the Okanogan Trails Chapter of the Mule Deer Foundation will hold its 2nd annual Banquet and Auction at the El Paraiso Restaurant, located at the Okanogan Inn & Suites, 11 Apple Way Rd, Okanogan, WA 98840. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m., dinner will begin at 6:30 p.m.

With money raised at this and last year’s auction the chapter is improving mule deer habitat damaged by the Carlton Complex Wildfire and has successfully resurfaced, fenced and renovated a popular trailhead and parking lot in the Carter Mountain Wildlife Area.
Carter Mountain, between Tonasket and Riverside, is popular for hiking, hunting, wildlife watching and horseback riding. The wildlife area and the surrounding landscape, including the nearby Tunk Valley, provide a connective link between the Sinlahekin Wildlife Area and Pasayten Wilderness to the west, and the Okanogan and Columbia Highlands and the Kettle River Range to the east.
This habitat is important for a variety of species, from Washington’s largest mule deer herd to threatened species including Canada lynx and sharp-tailed grouse, making it vital for long term conservation and habitat connectivity.
The Okanogan Trails Mule Deer Foundation Chapter also provided funds and volunteer efforts to support a University of Washington predator-deer fawn mortality study, put out field cameras to monitor wildlife in the project area for a proposed Highway 97 wildlife underpass, and has had a great time building friendships and partnerships along the way!
With a prime rib or chicken dinner and over $20,000 worth of guns, optics, art, and camping gear to auction or raffle off this looks to be a great event! Advanced tickets only, available on line at:http//www.muledeer.org/node/2283.