
Joint Conservation Wolf Advisory Group Statement on Profanity Peak Pack

By Wolf Haven International, the Humane Society of the United States, Defenders of Wildlife, and Conservation Northwest The authorized removal of wolves in the Profanity Peak wolf pack in northeast Washington is deeply regrettable. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is however following the protocol developed by Washington State’s Wolf Advisory Group (WAG) … Continued

Lethal Removal of Profanity Peak Wolves Unfortunate, but Part of State’s Wolf Management Policy

Five confirmed depredations by Profanity Peak pack trigger DFW’s lethal take protocol, yet wolf recovery in Washington still expected to succeed Conservation Northwest is disappointed that wolf depredations on livestock within the territory of the Profanity Pack appear to have become habitual. We recognize that as wolf populations grow in Washington, under the state’s Wolf Management … Continued

Report from our Range Rider Pilot Project 2015 field season

Fourth year of collaborative project supporting coexistence between people, livestock and wolves was a success  The Range Rider Pilot Project, a collaborative effort between Conservation Northwest and seven ranchers grazing cattle in areas of Eastern Washington occupied by six different wolf packs in 2015, has previously produced three years with no livestock lost to wolf … Continued

Cow depredation confirmed within territory of Teanaway wolves

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has confirmedthat a yearling cow was killed by the Teanaway Wolf Pack on a public land grazing allotment north of Cle Elum, Washington. The cow was discovered on July 16th, 2015. The producer operates under a grazing permit issued by the Washington Department of Natural Resources. The cow belonged … Continued

Range riders head into the field

Pilot program builds on 2014 success reducing conflicts, expands to work with seven ranchers in the territory of six Washington wolf packs Read more about our Range Rider Pilot Project in articles from The Seattle Times, High Country News, Yakima Herald and Wenatchee World. Last month, ranchers across the Northwest turned out their cows for the annual grazing season. In … Continued

Statement on revised wolf-related legislation in Washington

Conservation Northwest supports Substitute House Bill 2107 as amended on February 27th in the House Appropriations Committee, opposes Senate Bill 5583 Our staff have been hard at work in Olympia this month, meeting with state legislators and colleagues in the conservation and ranching communities to provide input on legislation that continues to support the sustainable … Continued

Update on proposed Washington wolf legislation

February 23rd Update: Several new wolf bills have been proposed and have advanced out of committee. Though we support HB 1676 (funding ungulate-wolf interaction research), we are strongly in opposition to SB 5583(regional species delisting) and we oppose SB 5960 (revising the Wolf Conservation and Management Plan) as it is currently written. Conservation Northwest staff in Olympia and our partners in the conservation … Continued

USFWS investigating dead wolf in the Teanaway

UPDATE: November 12, 2014: We’ve learned that the Teanaway wolf was shot and that it was the pack’s breeding female. This loss is a significant setback for wolf recovery in Washington. We will be providing a statement later this week on a substantial reward for any information that brings the person or persons responsible to justice. It … Continued

Fladry protects wolves and livestock in Teanaway

Non-lethal tool prevents depredation while calves are reared They may look like nothing but hundreds of brightly waving ribbons, but fladry is a centuries-old method of preventing wolves from preying on cows, sheep, and other livestock. Strung around pastures or corrals, the ribbons temporarily spook the wolves and deter them from entering. And it’s a … Continued