Statement on proposal to relocate Profanity Peak wolves to captivity

Statement on proposal to relocate Profanity Peak wolves to captivity

Conservation Northwest / Sep 09, 2016 / Wolves

We’re aware of the proposal from Lockwood Animal Rescue Center (LARC) to capture and relocate the remaining wolves in the Profanity Peak Pack. We understand this may come across as an appealing alternative to resolve this difficult and tragic issue. However, we do not favor their proposal at this time, nor do we believe it is a long-term solution to conflicts between wolves and livestock.

First, we are encouraged by the apparent absence of recent depredations and are hopeful that the remaining members of the Profanity Peak Pack can and will stay alive in the wild. Second, these wolves are trap weary, and live capturing wolves is challenging under any circumstance. Additionally, wild wolves do not adapt well to captivity, so even if this generous offer could be fulfilled it could end up being a short term comfort with long term loss. Other wolf sanctuaries including Wolf Haven International and animal welfare groups have also expressed opposition to LARC’s proposal for similar reasons.

Conflict between wolves and livestock is a difficult but expected reality of people and predators sharing space. We prefer to focus on building social tolerance for wolves in rural areas and increasing the implementation of conflict avoidance methods to minimize future conflicts.