British Columbia

WA Conservation Organization Applauds Canadian Governments’ Commitment to Protecting Ecosystem Health and Biodiversity in B.C.

New plans to reform land uses and meet promises to Indigenous communities could double the amount of protected areas in British Columbia Following up on a promise made in 2021, the British Columbian government recently announced a strategic plan that could have enormous positive effects on biodiversity, old-growth forests and ecological integrity if implemented as … Continued

New Analysis Confirms British Columbia Mines Pose Unacceptable, Irreversible Threats to U.S. Waters, Communities

Risks escalating due to more frequent catastrophic weather events related to climate change. SEATTLE – British Columbia’s rapidly accelerating mining boom – and the dangerous waste that accompanies it – threaten communities and watersheds in neighboring states, including Washington, Alaska, Idaho and Montana according to a new report. Climate-fueled floods and disasters are exacerbating the threats … Continued

Gratitude for resolution of mining threat to Skagit Headwaters, but threat of Canadian mines to American rivers remains

                     FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 27, 2022 Seattle, WA – U.S.-based conservation groups welcome the Jan. 19 news of a great win resolving the threat of B.C. mining in the so-called “Donut Hole” of the Upper Skagit River, that flows from British Columbia (B.C.) into Washington state. Due … Continued