DNR, Conservation and Recreation Groups Celebrate the Protection of Blanchard Mountain
“The Blanchard Forest Strategy is community-based land management in action, and a true win-win.”
“The Blanchard Forest Strategy is community-based land management in action, and a true win-win.”
After a nearly 20-year effort, Blanchard Mountain is finally protected. Now, it’s time to celebrate!
WILD NW Action Alert #277: Attend a meeting in Mount Vernon on June 14 to support a Trust Land Transfer for Blanchard Mountain!
he state legislature finally passed a Capital Budget last night, including full funding to save the core of Blanchard State Forest from logging. The iconic trails, forests and habitat around Oyster Dome, Lilly Lake and Samish Overlook will now be preserved for future generations!
The state House included funding for a Trust Land Transfer in their capital budget, but the Senate must do the same during the special session to preserve this cherished place from logging.