Volunteers needed for Highway 12 wildlife connectivity project
Conservation Northwest / Feb 22, 2023 / Cascades to Olympics, Connecting Habitat, Volunteering
Join us for invasive plant removal volunteer days to support wildlife passage under Highway 12 in Southwest Washington
After a long winter, Conservation Northwest’s Cascades to Olympics Program (C2O) is ready to start the volunteer season with a bang! Come join our C2O Program Manager and a diverse and inspiring group of core volunteers as we continue our Satsop River Connectivity Restoration Project.
Upcoming Blackberry Removal and Planting Volunteer Days:
March 11, 2023
April 8, 2023
April 29, 2023
May 13, 2023
June 3, 2023
9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. each day

Join CNW Staff and Partners as we meet at the Satsop River along Highway 12 to remove blackberries from a bridge that serves as a critical wildlife crossing structure and riparian corridor. We’ll help restore agricultural land for the community through our partnership with engaged landowners. Supporting wildlife movement under Highway 12 advances regional connectivity and supports our Cascades to Olympics program.
There are ten volunteer slots available for each day, so please register by emailing bstewart@conservationnw.org with your preferred volunteer timeslot(s). Once you’ve registered, detailed instructions and directions will be sent.
If interested, you will need to dress appropriately (long pants and sturdy footwear) and bring any trail-cutting gear, loppers, sturdy pruners, gloves, or really awesome Indiana Jones-style hats that you might have. We will have some equipment on-site for use.
Please do not forget water, food, medications, or any other necessary items. We’ll have a volunteer waiver form for you to sign.
FYI: Singing out of tune while working is allowed. However, singing without passion is strictly prohibited.
We hope to see you there!

Learn more about the Satsop Habitat Connectivity Restoration Project and other Cascade to Olympics program updates here!

This project and our work to support wildlife passage under Highway 12 is being done in coordination with the Washington State Department of Transportation and through generous grants from:
James M. Lea Foundation
Tulalip Cares Fund
Thank you!