Elections and climate change: trick or treat?
Conservation Northwest / Oct 31, 2018 / Legislation
Voting Yes on I-1631 will help spare our planet from a frightful fate!

Washington provides an exceptionally spooky scene for Halloween. Days become shrouded in menacing fog and gray clouds, dissipated by cold darkness promptly at 6 p.m. The rustling of fall leaves elicits a wary glance over your shoulder. But there’s another presence lurking in the shadows, and it’s the scariest one yet: climate change.
But climate change doesn’t need a grim, horror-movie ending for our planet or the natural heritage of the Pacific Northwest. We can face this threat head-on, armed with ballots supporting Initiative 1631!
Have you voted and mailed your ballot in yet? Tuesday’s deadline is less than a week away!
Conservation Northwest joined more than 400 other organizations, tribes and businesses with our endorsement of this climate initiative, also known as the “Protect Washington Act”. By voting Yes on I-1631, you will directly support clean air and clean energy in our state.
You will also support our efforts to keep the Northwest wild. The wildlands and wildlife we work to protect, connect and restore have a slim chance of adapting to the future climate if temperatures rise too much or too quickly—now that’s scary. It’s time for a serious and effective measure that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by putting a fee on carbon and dedicating proceeds towards healthy forests, wildlands, and both urban and rural communities affected by climate change.
So we’re urging you to get out the vote and mark Yes on I-1631, and either deposit it in an official ballot dropbox or have it postmarked by Tuesday, November 6th at 8:00 p.m. This year, no stamp is needed for either method!
Join the largest and most diverse political coalition ever in Washington state by showing your support for clean energy, clean air and a healthy Pacific Northwest for future generations of people and wildlife.
Our climate future is scary, but by voting Yes on I-1631, together we can start a movement that will make a BIG difference.
Happy Halloween,
The Conservation Northwest team
P.S. Still undecided? Learn more about voting Yes on I-1631 and how it supports our work!