Become a member of our conservation community!
Conservation Northwest / Oct 05, 2015 / Members

Between now and October 31, become a Conservation Northwest member for a special annual rate of $25!
By Julia Spencer, Membership Manager
Can you recall the last time you had the chance to experience the great outdoors? Were you lulled by the sound of bird calls, absorbed in magnificent smells and sights? Did you catch an unexpected glimpse of wildlife?
Nature can teach and inspire us; it can bring thrilling joy and quiet moments that soothe the turmoil of modern life.
It’s important that future generations have these same opportunities to enjoy nature in the wild. But today, the wildlife, ancient forests and other wild places of our region face a myriad of challenges.
For over 25 years Conservation Northwest has been among the region’s strongest voices for conserving wildlands and rare and recovering wildlife.
I’m delighted that you care about keeping the Northwest wild. And I invite you to increase your impact by becoming a member today at a special $25 rate.
Members of Conservation Northwest not only love the outdoors and wildlife, they actively protect it by contributing to our vital work.
I have hope for a wild future, because I know that by working together, we can preserve the rich natural heritage of the Pacific Northwest.
As an indicator of our success keeping the Northwest wild, we’ve seen the return of wolves and Pacific fisher, and watched elusive wolverines spread south in the Cascades. Recently, we’ve even seen photos of animals using new wildlife crossings under and over Interstate 90, safe passage that we lead efforts to bring about. But we need your help to continue making progress.
Please join us in protecting our natural world by becoming a member of Conservation Northwest.
Along with over 10,000 other Conservation Northwest supporters, you can help ensure a wild future that provides for our children and grandchildren, as well as for the countless wild creatures and magnificent wild places that help make our region so special.
Julia Spencer