Thank you, Senator Cantwell, for your conservation leadership!

Thank you, Senator Cantwell, for your conservation leadership!

Conservation Northwest / Nov 03, 2017 / Legislation, Protecting Wildlands

Washington Senator Maria Cantwell is a tenacious leader when it comes to conservation, speaking strongly on behalf of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, equitable access to national parks and public lands, and science-based forest restoration to improve wildlife habitat and protect communities from wildfire.

U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell, D-WA

Will you show that Washingtonians deeply appreciate her leadership by sending a quick message of thanks? A sample message is available below, and her office can be reached at:

Suggested thank you message:

Subject: THANK YOU for your conservation leadership

Senator Cantwell, I want to thank you for your steadfast leadership in protecting our public lands and special places, including national parks and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. I’m particularly concerned today with the danger of Congress passing a bill that would greatly harm our national forests (H.R. 2936), which recently passed in the House. In contrast, your Wildland Fires Act stands as a great exception to this and other harmful bills, and recognizes the scientific imperative for more fire, as controlled as possible, to restore resilience and health to our dry forest landscapes. Thank you for your leadership on behalf of our nation’s priceless natural heritage. I applaud your effort and encourage you to carry on the fight.
