Newhouse wrong on grizzly restoration, bears deserve a place in the Cascades

Help us fight for North Cascades grizzlies

The Trump Administration has put a halt to recovery for now, but we won’t give up until North Cascades grizzlies thrive again! By Matthew Brouwer, Development Director Last week we shared news that the Trump Administration’s Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt issued an order “terminating” the North Cascades Grizzly Bear Restoration Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), … Continued

The fear narrative: a barrier for grizzly bears

If our neighbors up north can coexist with grizzly bears, why can’t we? By Joe Scott, International Programs Director While the majority of Washingtonians support restoring grizzly bears to the backcountry of the North Cascades, opposition remains. And though we know that these bears will benefit the North Cascades Ecosystem while restoring a missing piece … Continued

Join us in supporting North Cascades grizzly bear recovery

By Jessica Kelley, Okanogan Wildlife Organizer I’m writing with urgent news regarding grizzly bear restoration in the North Cascades. After more than a year of inactivity, the National Park Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are now revisiting the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for grizzly bear restoration, and have reopened the public … Continued