Soldiers and sagebrush; a trip to the Yakima Training Center

Soldiers and sagebrush; a trip to the Yakima Training Center

A military training ground between Ellensburg and Yakima contains some of the best shrub-steppe habitat in the state. BY Jay Kehne, Sagelands Program Lead and Rose Piccinini, Sagelands Contractor In central Washington lies a vast landscape with some of the most prime shrub-steppe habitat in the state. Its northern border is drawn by I-90, to … Continued

WDFW releases sharp-tailed grouse as part of Okanogan Working for Wildlife Initiative

Collaborative effort works to restore the Okanogan’s wildlife heritage By Chase Gunnell, Communications Director Earlier this month, our staff were lucky to join and assist with the release of sharp-tailed grouse in the Tunk Valley, a key habitat corridor connecting to north-central Washington’s Okanogan Valley.  A smaller cousin of the more well-known sage grouse, sharp-tailed … Continued