Board of Natural Resources conservation strategy fails endangered seabird
Final plan for marbled murrelet recovery shows lack of leadership for rare bird, forests and coastal communities.
Final plan for marbled murrelet recovery shows lack of leadership for rare bird, forests and coastal communities.
WILD NW Action Alert #298: Tell the Washington Department of Natural Resources to strengthen protections for endangered murrelets!
“As a society, we should not be faced with the false choice of reducing vital services for people or causing significant loss of our natural heritage.”
Murrelet populations have dropped 44 percent in the last 15 years and murrelets are now listed as endangered, perilously close to statewide extinction.
WILD NW Action Alert #283: Through Tuesday, 12/6, you can help protect endangered marbled murrelets and their habitat.
The BNR alternative does not preserve enough older forest habitat for the rapidly and steadily declining murrelet population. The BNR alternative fails to incorporate the best available science for recovery of marbled murrelets that nest in older forests across western Washington.