Joint comments on proposed Alaska Roadless Rule exemption
We joined nearly 100 U.S. conservation groups opposing the Forest Service’s proposal to lift Roadless Rule protections in the Tongass National Forest.
We joined nearly 100 U.S. conservation groups opposing the Forest Service’s proposal to lift Roadless Rule protections in the Tongass National Forest.
The plan falls well short of conservation needs in key areas including recommended wilderness and standards for watershed health, despite numerous objections filed by local stakeholders such as Conservation Northwest.
Instead of fast-tracking risky logging projects, the U.S. Forest Service should double-down on investments in collaboration.
“Dead” trees are actually full of life! Standing dead trees, called snags, provide birds and mammals with shelter to raise young and raptors with unobstructed vantage points. Large downed trees also provide important habitat for wildlife. Hundreds of species of birds, mammals, amphibians, reptiles and fish benefit from snags for food, nesting or shelter! Produced … Continued
Through 3/27, comment on the health of communities, wildlife and forest lands in the Upper Wenatchee Pilot Project.
Comments to USFS regarding wildlife and habitat in the Snoquera area of the Central Cascades near Greenwater.
Conservation Northwest participated in DNR workshops and provided input on the new Wildland Fire Protection Strategic Plan.
Plan for northeast Washington national forest lacks sufficient recommended wilderness for important roadless areas.
WILD NW Action Alert #280: Take action to ensure a timber sale in important wildlife habitat is subject to robust environmental and public review.
The deal appears to not include the feared riders related to Alaska or roadless areas, but we await further details. The agreed upon provisions would be amended to the Omnibus Appropriations Bill that Congress has a Friday night deadline to pass.