Seattle Times Op-Ed: Lawmakers, stop underfunding Fish and Wildlife
Read our op-ed in today’s Seattle Times supporting full-funding for fish and wildlife, then please send a message to state lawmakers!
Read our op-ed in today’s Seattle Times supporting full-funding for fish and wildlife, then please send a message to state lawmakers!
Through 3/27, comment on the health of communities, wildlife and forest lands in the Upper Wenatchee Pilot Project.
WILD NW Action Alert #287: Thanks Congresswoman McMorris Rodgers for voting in support of public lands and wildlife in Eastern Washington.
Through February 28th, you can show support for a new national park reserve on the U.S.-Canada border.
Contact legislators and urge them to fully fund the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife’s efforts to conserve wildlife.
WILD NW Action Alert #284: Contact the governor and urge him to fully fund the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife’s efforts to conserve and restore diverse wildlife in his 2019-21 budget proposal.
Through Monday, 9/24, you can help stop the Trump administration’s assault on one of our nation’s most successful and effective wildlife conservation laws.
WILD NW Action Alert #280: Take action to ensure a timber sale in important wildlife habitat is subject to robust environmental and public review.
WILD NW Action Alert #279: Contact your representatives and urge them to vote NO on Rep. Newhouse’s rider defunding grizzly restoration.
The House bill eliminates public review for logging, removes wildlife protections, and opens roadless areas to road-building and clearcuts.