Tell Congress to give grizzly bears hope
Conservation Northwest / Jun 27, 2018 / Action Alert, Grizzly Bears, Legislation, North Cascades
WILD NW Action Alert #279: A House budget amendment would block funding for grizzly bear restoration.
We need your help once again to ensure grizzly bear recovery moves forward in the North Cascades.
The U.S. House of Representatives is advancing a budget rider that would bring the public process planning for grizzly bear restoration to a halt, dooming the last grizzly bears on the West Coast of the contiguous U.S. We can’t let this happen!
Please contact your U.S. Representative and Senators and urge them to vote NO on Representative Dan Newhouse’s appropriations rider defunding grizzly restoration.
Planning for grizzly bear recovery has been guided by an inclusive public process, called an Environmental Impact Statement or EIS. Following years of study and numerous public meetings, more than 126,000 comments were submitted on the Draft EIS, with over 85 percent of respondents strongly supporting grizzly bear restoration in the North Cascades.

Multiple opinion polls have shown similar high levels of public support across partisan and geographic lines, including from areas nearest to the North Cascades. Washingtonians recognize that this native species is on the brink, and we want action to restore our grizzly bears before they are gone forever!
North Cascades grizzlies need your help TODAY. Please take action by contacting your Representatives AND Senators. Sending a message takes just one click using our action form!
Representative Newhouse has unfairly criticized this public process and now plans to ignore it, launching an effort to defund recovery by planting a “rider” into the House’s Fiscal Year 2019 Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act. This disregards scientific research, hamstrings wildlife professionals, ignores public opinion, and eschews the democratic process.
At public hearings, through online forums, in one-on-one meetings, and during official EIS public comment periods, Washingtonians, including many of Rep. Newhouse’s constituents, have repeatedly voiced their support for restoring a small population of grizzly bears under the guidance of sound science and community input.
We are on the brink of returning these wild icons to their rightful home in the North Cascades. We can’t stop now! Call, tweet or contact your congressional representatives and senators to show your support grizzly bear restoration.
Suggested Tweets
North Cascades grizzly bears on are on the brink! House budget amendment would halt the public process to restore them. Tell Senators to vote NO on @RepNewhouse rider >> @BudgetGOP @SenateBudget @SenatorCantwell @PattyMurray #SavetheCascadesGrizzly
North Cascades grizzly bears on are on the brink! House budget amendment would halt the public process to restore them. Tell Congress to vote NO on @RepNewhouse rider >> @housebudgetGOP @HouseBudgetDems @RepDelBene @davereichert #SavetheCascadesGrizzly