Speak up to fund the Legacy Roads and Trails Program
Conservation Northwest / Apr 15, 2022 / Action Alert, Forest Field Program, Forest Roads, National Forests
Tell your members of Congress to fund national forest infrastructure to benefit wildlife habitat, recreation opportunities, and local communities.
Since 2018, the federal government has neglected to invest in national forest road systems, creating problems for our waterways and fish populations, especially when extreme weather events are driven by climate change. Rainwater routinely washes sediment from unmaintained roads into streams and degrades trails. This contributes to water quality problems in habitats that support threatened, endangered and sensitive species.
Fortunately, the Legacy Roads and Trails program has been permanently authorized to address these challenges, but more funding is needed to jumpstart the backlog of projects. Funding through this program goes directly to work on the ground, creates high-wage jobs, and will save money in the long term.
In our Central Cascades Watersheds Restoration program, the absence of Legacy Roads and Trails funding is reducing opportunities to engage on already identified road work in westside and eastside watersheds that provide healthy spawning grounds for Chinook, steelhead, and trout, and that supply fresh drinking water to south Puget Sound and Yakima communities.
Our watersheds need restoration, fish migration waterways need rehabilitation, and our communities need clean water.
Use our easy form to send a letter to your Congressmembers!
Supporting $100M in committed funding for FY 2023 in the Interior-Environment Appropriations Bill will restore fish passages, improve water quality, and stormproof roads and trails while maintaining emergency and recreational access through our national forests.
Now is the time to invest in protecting and restoring national forest lands and waters.
Thank you for TAKING ACTION for our national forests!