Protect the Methow Headwaters!
Conservation Northwest / Mar 21, 2017 / Mining
WILD NW Alert #272: Tell BLM to say No to industrial mining in the Methow Valley.
The Methow Valley in north-central Washington is celebrated for its extraordinary natural diversity, clean water, and rural culture, and a resilient economy fueled by outdoor recreation, scenic tourism, agriculture, and fish and wildlife.
But a proposed large-scale industrial mine is threatening the Methow Headwaters.
Submit a comment today to help protect the Methow from devastating open-pit copper mining!
This dangerous mining proposal has been met with strong resistance by local business leaders, community members, and others who care about the Methow.
In response, on December 30, 2016, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced that it is considering a 20 year mineral withdrawal that would prevent new mining developments on 340,000 acres of Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest in the Methow Headwaters to allow time for Congress to secure permanent protection.
This is a crucial step in a longer process to protect the Methow Headwaters. The BLM is accepting public comments on the Methow mining withdrawal until March 30, 2017. We need your voice to ensure that BLM authorizes the withdrawal and prevents harm to wildlife habitat, scenic landscapes, and vibrant outdoor recreation and agricultural economy.
Please take action today and submit a comment telling the BLM that this incredible landscape is worth protecting and no place for an industrial mine.
The Methow Headwaters Campaign consists of Conservation Northwest and other organizations, businesses and individuals concerned about the impact that massive, industrial copper mining would have on clean water and natural open spaces that support tourism, outdoor recreation, agriculture and real estate. For more information on the Methow Headwaters Campaign, visit the homepage here.
Take action using our comment form! Our suggested comments are also copied below.
Thank you for doing your part to keep this priceless part of the Northwest wild!
RE: Notice of Application for Withdrawal; Federal Register Notice 81 FR 96481
Dear Director Connell,
I am writing in support of the Methow Headwaters mineral withdrawal described in the December 30, 2016, Federal Register Notice 81 FR 96481. I strongly support the 20-year withdrawal to protect the headwaters from mining threats while Congressional leaders work on permanent protection for the area.
The Methow Valley is among the most special places in the Pacific Northwest. Its extraordinary ecological diversity, fish and wildlife, clean water, and rural character support a resilient economy based on outdoor recreation, scenic tourism and agriculture. The pristine Methow Headwaters sustain the valley, its economy and the area’s inhabitants and visitors.
These vital lands and waters are gravely threatened by the development of a large-scale industrial copper mine. Large-scale industrial mining in the Methow Headwaters is incompatible with the natural values that support the valley’s successful and durable economy. It undermines many years of community efforts to maintain the area’s rural character.
Support for this mineral withdrawal is broad and deep. In the last 12 months, more than 140 Methow Valley businesses, plus dozens of local, regional, and national organizations and 2,000 individuals have registered their support for protecting the Methow from industrial mining.
I support the Methow Headwaters mineral withdrawal to ensure these important lands and waters continue to support the people and economy of the Methow Valley for current and future generations.