Let’s do the right thing for grizzly bears

Let’s do the right thing for grizzly bears

Conservation Northwest / Feb 23, 2017 / Work Updates

By Chase Gunnell, Deputy Communications Director

Sharing landscapes like the North Cascades with big, wild animals takes courage. But grizzly bears have called our region home for thousands of years. Despite plenty of food and habitat, only a few are left. We’re on the brink of losing an icon of the wild Pacific Northwest, and an important part of this ecosystem.

But it’s not too late. Let’s do the right thing for grizzly bears, and for all that makes our region wild. Please take action TODAY and submit a comment for restoring a healthy population of grizzly bears in the North Cascades: www.northcascadesgrizzly.org/comment

The North Cascades Ecosystem, anchored by North Cascades National Park, contains one of the largest areas of wild and protected land in the lower 48 states. An extraordinary piece of our shared natural heritage, it’s vital that we pass it on, with all its native wildlife, for the benefit of future generations.