Finishing 2016 strong
Conservation Northwest / Dec 21, 2016 / Work Updates

By Jeff Baierlein, Development & Communications Director
It’s the Winter Solstice today. And light is returning to our landscape.
The growing sunlight illuminates the special beauty of the Pacific Northwest. It shines a light on the natural treasures we value. And it’s a time to reflect on the year behind, and the year ahead.
Conservation Northwest has had some remarkable successes in 2016. And thanks to your support, we will work tirelessly this upcoming year to protect and restore our shared natural heritage.
Working together with you and our partners this year, we:
- Reintroduced fishers, a house-cat sized furry mammal, to Mount Rainier National Park in Washington’s South Cascades, after decades of absence
- Saw progress in the construction of the first wildlife bridge over Interstate 90 near the crest of the Cascades
- Planted thousands of native plants and decommissioned miles of habitat-damaging excess roads
- Employed range riders and other conflict avoidance strategies to help wolves and cattle co-exist
- And much, much more.
Yet there’s more work to be done.
In 2017 we will vigorously fight efforts to transfer our public lands to private corporations. We’ll build public support essential to a successful recovery of grizzly bears in the North Cascades. We’ll advocate for wild places throughout the Northwest. And we’ll fight for the conservation of spotted owls, sharp-tailed grouse, gray wolves, and other wildlife.
Your contributions help ensure a wild, healthy Northwest for generations to come—one of the best gifts of all.
Thank you for your generous support.
Happy Solstice,
P.S. In this time of change, your support for a protecting the natural world is more vital than ever. Every donation counts! We value your support.