What If We Can Have Our Cake and Eat It Too?

Upper Wenatchee Pilot Project project tour video

We are excited about this opportunity for landscape-scale forest and watershed restoration on the Wenatchee River Ranger District of the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest. By Chase Gunnell, Communications Director Along with our partners in the North Central Washington Forest Health Collaborative, since 2018 our staff (most recently our Okanogan Forest Lead Michael Liu and Conservation Program … Continued

One Stick at a Time: What beavers and biochar have in common

When natural processes are disrupted by anthropogenic changes, innovative solutions can help restore healthy, functioning ecosystems. By Michael Liu, Okanogan Forest Lead Long before I was engaged in beaver recovery efforts in the Methow Valley, I enjoyed chance opportunities to watch the furry critters at work in their natural environment. Their carpentry seemed fun and … Continued

Video: Forest Restoration and Collaboration in Northeast Washington with Tiana Luke

Our Colville Forest Lead Tiana Luke talks about forest restoration and collaboration from Deer Park, near the Colville National Forest in northeast Washington. Through our Forest Field Program, Tiana Luke serves on the board of in the Northeast Washington Forest Coalition (NEWFC), a stakeholder group including local conservation groups, the timber industry, and local business … Continued

Our work for incredible Northwest forests

Since 1989, our Forest Field Program has worked to ecologically restore our national forests. A flagship program since our founding, we advance the use of the latest scientific research and engage collaboratively with other stakeholders to promote landscape-scale restoration of forests and watersheds. Check out the map below to learn more about some of the … Continued

Snoquera Decision – What it means for Central Cascades watersheds

Forest restoration makes progress, while watershed improvements fall short in the upper Green River watershed. By Laurel Baum, Central Cascades Conservation Associate This summer, the Snoqualmie District of the Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest (MBSNF) published their final management proposal for the “Snoquera” landscape between Greenwater and Crystal Mountain, bordered on the south by Mount Rainier … Continued

Review of Ecological Forest Management by Dr. Jerry Franklin

Forest ecologist Dr. Jerry Franklin, member of our Board of Advisers, has authored a new book offering insights on forest management for the greater good of biodiversity. By Bert Loosmore, conservation northwest boardmember It was a troubling summer for parts of Cascadia. We suffered from smoke blanketing the region, and then watched in horror as … Continued

Where there’s fire, there’s smoke

Smoke-choked days are likely to become the standard for late summer in the Northwest. By Mitch Friedman, Founder and Executive Director Time was that I resisted travel in August and September, considering the Northwest to be the greatest place on Earth these months. Something has changed. If you’re in Seattle, the smoky days are about … Continued