Another successful WildLinks forum!

Another successful WildLinks forum!

Conservation Northwest / Nov 23, 2015 / Work Updates

Attendees of the 2015 WildLinks conference in B.C. Photo: Aleah Jaeger

Last month, Conservation Northwest sponsored the annual WildLinks gathering at Manning Park Resort to bring together over 80 individuals from the diverse pool of governmental agencies and nonprofit organizations working throughout Cascadia to create a more resilient landscape for species and ecosystems.

Hosted by the Cascadia Partner Forum, which Conservation Northwest facilitates, the forum covered topics including:

  • adaptation-related efforts in the transboundary region to increase coordination and involvement;
  •  increasing coordination of transboundary science planning for priority issues (salmon, grizzly bear, and ecological connectivity and recent investments in access management planning in Cascadia’s geographic priority areas),
  •  identifying spatial priority areas in Cascadia that are vital for species and ecosystem resilience to climate related changes and broad criteria for building on those priority geographies;
  • continuing to build a network of practitioners whose work includes climate related adaptation and resilience in the Cascadia region.
CNW's Jen Watkins speaks at WildLinks. Photo: Aleah Jaeger
CNW’s Jen Watkins speaks at WildLinks. Photo: Aleah Jaeger
We kicked off the forum with a short video highlighting the voices of the next generation, who told attendees why Cascadia is important to them and what they want all of us to know as we planned for the future. The event furthered coordination on our priority issues, and provided a space to identify new ideas to increase adaptation efforts in this transboundary landscape.
It was a particularly special experience for one of our newest staff members, Aleah Jaeger, who is our new Citizen Wildlife Monitoring Project Coordinator. Part of her first week in her new position involved traveling up B.C. to attend WildLinks, where she said she got to “learn from brilliant, inspiring people who are tirelessly dedicated to conservation in Cascadia and beyond.” We’re excited to take that passion that we got from WildLinks and continue to incorporate it into our work that we do to keep the Northwest wild!
Our new CWMP coordinator, Aleah Jaeger (third from right), with fellow Wildlinks attendees. Photo: Aleah Jaeger

Thank you to everyone who joined us at this year’s WildLinks forum, and for all that you do to keep Cascadia’s landscape resilient!

For more information on WildLinks, visit our webpage here.

For more information on the Cascadia Partner Forum, visit its website here.